Unit 2

Unit 2 Chapter 3: The Development of the Staff System

Learn about the development of the staff system, including how to identify the lines and spaces on the staff system, medieval and modern staff systems, solfege, church modes, and modern modes. Additionally, learn about Guido d'Arezzo and his Guidonian Hand.

Unit 2 Chapter 4: Common Music Clefs

Learn about the staff system, how different clefs are used, and how to identify how high or low a note is with a simple numerical value.

Unit 2 Chapter 5: Notes and Pitches

Learn how to identify notes on a musical staff and discover the musical alphabet. This lecture includes a discussion of ledger lines so that you an also understand how to read notes above and below the staff system. Also, learn the difference between a note and pitch.

Unit 2 Chapter 6: Chromatic Notes

Learn how to extend the musical alphabet to include additional pitches that fall between the white pitches of the piano. There are a total of 5 (commonly used) enharmonic pairs that exist in music. Includes a discussion of sharps, flats, and natural signs.

Unit 2 Chapter 7: The Grand Staff and Music Notation

Learn about octave registers, pitch class, scientific pitch notation, and MIDI pitch notation. Musicians use scientific pitch notation to refer specifically to notes and where they fall in various octave registers.

Unit 2 Chapter 8: The Overtone Series

Learn about the overtone series and how this natural phenomenon helped to shape the western musical system.
